Monday, June 8, 2009

Understanding Women’s Ways of Being Beautiful

Asked in an interview, a sexy 30 year-old celebrity mother, answered why she remains young-looking and sexy, responded, “Positive thinking and time management, I have always had a positive outlook even when we (couple) were having problems — part of a couple’s continuing adjustment process, you know. Being in showbiz and being a family woman is very complicated, so it helps to have a positive attitude. Peace of mind for both of us, I have my own world and he has his own.”

Let me summarize some points to ponder in staying beautiful:
1. Positive Thinking
No matter how difficult life seems to be, be optimistic and hope for the best.
2. Taking Power Naps -
Even if you don’t seem to have enough time to sleep, find time to take a nap whenever possible to boost the energy.
3. Taking Vitamins
Find ways to know the right vitamins for you, depending on your needs. You may ask your doctor about this.
4. Pray a lot
Taking everything in prayer leads to a more constructive result. There’s no doubt about talking to the Supreme One whenever you don’t have anywhere else to go. So why not make this a habit.
5. Taking Good Care of Yourself -
No matter how busy you are, don’t forget to take care of yourself. You must love yourself so you can love others too.
6. Proper Diet
Make sure you don’t take so much cholesterol that adds up to fats causing illnesses like hypertensions, heart diseases, etc.
7. Regular Exercise
Take a walk at least 10-15 minutes a day. If you go to work or school everyday, you must be grateful taking a walk going to the terminal.

It makes a difference if you enjoy what you’re doing. This is where your brighter side comes in. Like for example if you don’t like doing the traditional exercises, try dancing. I love dancing so I use this privilege to have exercise that I need.

Being beautiful is not only the physical thing, it is also how you feel about yourself. Feel and think you are a beautiful person, and then you will glow and look one.

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